We package our colocation services around flexibility and customization. We align our secure managed hosting services with your requirements after developing a firm understanding of your unique business needs and the specific requests for your IT infrastructure. We plan for now, but provide access to flexible options that make it easy for you to add capacity as needed.
VAZATA offers 100% availability service level agreements (SLA) for power and environmentals and 100% on multi-homed internet connectivity, as well as 24x7x365 NOC, guarded keycard and biometric access, and closed circuit TV to the data center.

Cabinets & Cages
+ Custom cabinet and cage configurations
+ Custom power configurations
+ Reduced IT Infrastructure costs
+ Floor-to-Ceiling and sub-floor cage options

Resiliency & Redundancy
+ Redundant generators
+ Redundant power per cabinet options
+ Improved reliability & uptime
+ Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery options

Safety & Security
+ Security staff on-site 24x7
+ Fire detection & suppression system
+ Keycard, Biometric and CCTV monitoring