Recent Security Breaches Emphasize the Expeditious Need for Cybersecurity Solutions


Don’t wait to become the next headline in tomorrow’s news. Take a proactive stance and face the realities of cybercrime.

Today security breaches are sadly a more common occurrence than they were once, not too many years ago. Anywhere in the world, a security hack could be happening at this moment. Companies, governments, and organizations in every industry cannot escape the threat. For a closer look at how cyberattacks impact business and life, here are details of a couple of recent attacks that show the domino-effect these cybercrimes create.

Story One

It happened on December 13, 2021, when the Metropolitan Transportation Authority or MTA timekeeping system went dark as its provider suffered a ransomware attack.

The MTA provides local and express bus, subway, and commuter rail service in Greater New York, and operates multiple toll bridges and tunnels in New York City.

MTA’s high-tech timekeeping system went dark that day in December when Kronos the company that makes the clocks and underlying software suffered a ransomware attack that previous weekend.

Because the MTA’s timekeeping system was impacted by the global outage, management lacked tools to verify OT wages, which left the company vulnerable to fraudulent time reporting.

Story Two

One day later, on December 14, 2021, the legislative agencies and commissions in the state of Virginia were hit with a ransomware attack, which affected Virginia’s Division of Legislative Automated Systems and the General Assembly’s IT agency

Legislative leaders in the state were emailed about the incident and told that hackers attacked the state systems that previous Friday. The attack took down the website for the Division of Capitol Police, and all of the internal systems for bill drafting or bill referrals were hit hard during the ransomware incident.

The Assembly’s voicemail system was down, and many of the systems involved in budgeting were disrupted due to the attack. The Virginia Law Portal was also down because of the attack. Starting at the Department of Legislative Automated Systems, the breach spread to “almost all legislative branch websites.”

These two stories represent a fraction of the activity that takes place within the realm of cybersecurity threats and ransomware attacks. It happens even though we don’t always read or hear about it. It can happen anytime and it can happen to any organization.

So why does it take an event so disruptive and chaotic before action is taken to make organizations more secure?

We’re still puzzling over that one, but meanwhile we’re busy sharing the good news that VAZATA has real solutions to real cybersecurity problems.

It’s called Cybernetic Cybersecurity.

VAZATA’s Cybernetic Cybersecurity is an investment that pays you back many times over. You cannot afford to wait until your company is hacked. It’s simply common sense to be proactive when it comes to cybersecurity.

When your organization is ready to invest in a proven cybersecurity system, contact VAZATA about our Cybernetics Cybersecurity Monitoring.

VAZATA will handle it all, from installation, upgrades, and reconfiguration. Our expert analysts will identify what activity is safe for your systems and what is an actual threat. The operations center holds SOC 2 Type 2 certification and is CJIS ready, ensuring protection of logs and data.

VAZATA leverages the combined, shared intelligence of many different cybersecurity organizations in both the public and private sectors, including the Department of Homeland Security. VAZATA is vigilant to ensure your company information always remains confidential. To talk with a sales professional contact VAZATA today.

Don’t wait and become the next headline in tomorrow’s news. Call VAZATA.